Samtalsbehandling för depression, stress, oro, ångest, mm.
What is CBT?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT for short, is an effective form of psychological treatment that is practiced by many thousands of therapists worldwide. CBT theory suggests that our thoughts, emotions, body sensations, and behaviour are all connected, and that what we think and do affects the way we feel. CBT has proven to be an effective treatment for a variety of conditions such as anxiety, depression and self esteem.
By making links between what we do, think and feel, CBT can help us make changes in the way we think (”Cognitive”) and the way we act (”Behaviour”). Making these changes then can help us feel better.
Whilst it is helpful to discuss the past and understand how our past experiences influence our lives and how the problems have come about, CBT mostly focuses on looking for ways to improve your mental wellbeing now and making positive steps for the future.
What is ACT?
Acceptance and commitment therapy, or ACT for short, differs from more traditional CBT in that instead of challenging distressing thoughts by looking for evidence and coming up with a more rational response (CBT), in ACT, the focus is on accepting the thoughts and at the same time working on building the lives we want. To our help we work with acceptance, metaphors and mindfulness.
An important part of ACT is to identify what is important to you and how you want your life to be and then take steps in that direction.